
The River-Friendly Certification Program

River-Friendly Certification Programs promote clean water and a healthy environment through voluntary action by individuals and institutions. To achieve these goals we work one-on-one with residents, businesses, golf courses and schools to improve land stewardship practices. The program works to reduce pollution, conserve water, restore habitat for wildlife and educate the public about becoming better environmental stewards. Fore more information on Rive-Friendly Programs please visit our website HERE.

Somerset County Park Commission's Warrenbrook Golf Course River-Friendly Certification

Somerset County Park Commission's Warrenbrook Golf Course River-Friendly Certification

What is River-Friendly?

River-Friendly School

By participating in the River-Friendly School program, K-12 schools will receive guidance on implementing projects in and around the school, utilizing those project sites as "classrooms" and incorporating other water resource education modules into the curriculum. This program encourages the awareness of water resource issues by reaching students, teachers, staff, parents and other visitors.

River-Friendly Business

By participating in the River-Friendly Business program, your facility will receive guidance and technical assistance to help you protect and improve water resources. The program provides an opportunity to educate staff and the community about actions you are taking to protect water resources in the watershed where we all live, work and play, and about actions they can take in their own homes to support the program. 

River-Friendly Golf Course

Golf Courses that participate in the River-Friendly program receive guidance that will help make their course more protective of water resources while maintaining a high standard of play. 

River-Friendly Resident

The River-Friendly Resident program recognizes residents who are already implementing good land management practices and provides guidance for those who want to implement new practices on their property.

River-Friendly Farm

North Jersey Resource Conservation & Development Council and the Raritan Watershed Agricultural Committee administer the River-Friendly Farm program. The River-Friendly Farm Program seeks to promote agricultural best management practices through recognition of those farms that, through good management, help to protect water resources within the watershed. Technical assistance is offered to those farms that do not meet the certifying criteria, but would like to install or adapt the necessary components to become certified as River-Friendly.